By: Susan Finco, President, Leonard & Finco Public Relations

That led to a discussion as to whether that was a good thing
or a bad thing. On one hand, it means
that what you’re saying must be valuable to those in the audience and they want
to share your advice or thoughts. Very
flattering; after all, isn’t that what you hope for when doing a
presentation? On the other hand, we were
all in agreement that it makes us wonder if the audience is really listening to
what you have to say; comprehending it as a whole as opposed to just repeating
tiny bites of information. Plus, it
makes it much harder to engage with the audience when they never look up.
So is live Tweeting friend or foe? I honestly don’t know. Maybe it’s our job, as presenters, to find ways to connect with the audience while they’re connected to their phones. So, the next time I’m giving a presentation, I will arrive early to start conversations with attendees and get them engaged with me before I start to talk. I’ll also point out the most pertinent information in my presentation so that maybe, for just a minute, those who are Tweeting will stop and think about what’s being said before going back to Tweeting.
What’s your take on live Tweeting during presentations? Love it? Hate it? Somewhere in-between?
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