What items are re-Tweeted the most? What’s shared most often
on Facebook? Items that are visual. As humans (and I suppose the same argument
could be made for intelligent animals as well), we tend to love things that are
visual. It has more impact. It is more
memorable. It tends to create an instant
reaction, feeling or thought. Think
about it. How many “I Voted” or “Don’t
Forget to Vote” graphics did you see this past Tuesday on social media?
That’s why when clients ask us how to make their social
media more interesting; how to build more followers and how to engage their
target audiences, one of the recommendations we always make is to be more
visual. You don’t need a design team; just use your imagination or creativity.
The beauty of social media is no one expects perfection with your photos; they
just want them to be relevant and interesting.

- From Clickz.com: The Next Big Thing in Social Media http://bit.ly/RiLH4W
- From Fast Company: The Rise of Visual Social Media http://bit.ly/T4IYMu
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