By: Steve Scaffidi, Account Executive, Leonard & Finco Public Relations
I was
sitting in a local diner early last week, enjoying a hot cup of coffee while tuning
out the banter of other patrons so I could concentrate on my own activities. As I sat there, periodically checking my phone
or my laptop for any new emails, I thought about the pace of my day and how
that has changed thanks to technology.
In the
amazingly fast-paced world we live in, with an almost continuous bombardment of
messages coming at us from every direction, I thought to myself how incredible
technology is. The world is now delivered
right to the palm of our hands via smart phones, serving as virtual mini-TVs,
always on and providing data to our brains.
What that
means is a never-ending stream of messaging and information directed at us,
with the sole purpose of capturing our attention. If you're like me, you're
curious about what's happening in the stock market, politics or sports, and
getting the latest updates should make us all better-informed citizens. But at
what cost? When does technology become a burden or overwhelm our ability to
process information?
You can
certainly make the case that this information flow provides the fodder for our
water cooler conversations or whatever the 21st-Century version of that would
be. A Keurig conversation perhaps? We've become a country of people filled with
pretty strong opinions on the subjects that impact us every day. Has technology
over-stimulated our information receptors? After all, how much do we really
need to know about the Kardashians or the President's pets?
I've read
some great stories lately about folks "unplugging" from technology,
some for as much as a week or longer. That length of time is not realistic for
most of us, myself included. But, in small doses, maybe an hour or so a night,
it might be a good idea to put the phone down and decompress. Take time to have
a conversation with your spouse, your children or even yourself for that matter.
The key is to have it without using technology or having it interrupt you. And
don't talk about what the world is doing, talk about what you're doing and
listen to what comes back to you in the form of an old-fashioned, face-to-face
conversation. It might be the best news you've heard in a while.
Have you
ever tried to escape from technology? If yes, for how long were you able to
make it?