By: Kristen Paquet, Sr. Account Executive, Leonard & Finco Public Relations

Develop a calendar
listing. A calendar listing should include the event name, date, time,
location, web address and a brief overview of what will happen. If there is a
cost, be sure that is included as well. Send the calendar listing to local
newspapers that have a community events section. They will appreciate getting
all of the information at once. You can also use this information to post to
online event calendars.
Create a Facebook
event. Creating a Facebook event is easy to do. Just add in the details of
the event, a website URL and a photo and you’re basically done. The event will
show up in your newsfeed so all of your followers can see it and share it with
their friends as well. Think of it as a digital word-of-mouth promotion!
Contact local media
outlets. Consider reaching out to local media to give you some pre-event
coverage. Be sure to tell them about the event and why it would make a good
story. Take some time and research reporters and what areas they tend to cover
so you are sure you are reaching the right person.
Promoting your event takes work to be effective, so be sure
to give yourself plenty of time to put some of these ideas into action. The
more time you have to spread the word, the more likely you will reach your
audience and get people to attend! Good luck!