By: Steve Scaffidi, Account Executive, Leonard & Finco Public Relations
As we all know the beginning of a new year is typically the time for resolutions and personal improvement plans. Most of the focus is usually directed toward fitness and weight loss, but changing direction in areas of your professional life may actually be more rewarding than the fleeting excitement over a temporarily – in most cases – shrinking of your waistline.
There are lots of clichés about change. Change is hard. A
leopard doesn't change its spots. And on the other side of that argument, the
old standard, familiarity breeds contempt. We can all argue about the
worthiness of breaking up a pattern of work habits that have been successful in
the past, and have worked well for your business. But there are some real
benefits to re-thinking strategies and processes when it comes to rejuvenating
a business relationship.
One of the most recent examples happened with Uber, the
transportation company that uses modern technology to basically help people get
rides easier and faster in cities across America. The problem they faced was in
the hiring process for new employees. They found that using typical and
standard interviewing procedures was not delivering the right kind of employee
for their service. They were using traditional interview techniques, with very
common questions in the application process, and were getting great people, but
not necessarily individuals who were the best match for Uber.
Uber's new method emphasized local knowledge and experience,
and rated higher those candidates who did well in high-stress and dynamic work
environments. This shift helped them build their business quickly and with a
reduction in staff turnover.
Think of a making a fresh start in your professional life as
an opportunity to make your personal life easier. Understanding the balanced
relationship between the two can certainly help you figure things out, and
offer you some new ways to get better in both.
How have you changed a habit or philosophy at work, and how
has it turned out for you?